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Programs at Wildlings Oak Grove Wildschooling

Prepare for the Future

What is Montessori inspired Wildschooling about?

  •  Our community of mixed age groups encourages our children to work cooperatively within their fundamental cycles in the service of one another, the tribe and society.

  • Our Wildschooling and Montessori philosophy and methodology encourages loving guidance towards excelling to ones individual full potential.

  • We work at the child's pace, this sometimes means that children are at different levels throughout the various subjects.  Working 1 on 1 with each student we are able to individualize each child's program.

  •   Through specialized observations and informal as well as formal assessments we categorize the children according to skills and offer one on one learning to reach their full potential.

  • We assess the children through observations and activities not only standardized tests.

  • Attitudes and confidence developed during these formative years will serve the child

    throughout their lifetime. It is felt that a child is most apt to retain a positive attitude toward learning and acquire confidence in a relaxed atmosphere where the child sets his own pace, follows his own interest and is free from criticism and competition.

  • A Road from the Concrete to the Abstract

The basis of our approach is the simple observation that children learn most effectively through direct experience and the process of investigation and discovery. Most children do not learn by memorizing what they hear from their teachers or read in a text, but rather from concrete experience and direct interaction with the environment. Asking a child to sit back and watch us perform a process or experiment is like asking a one-year-old not to put everything in his mouth. Children need to manipulate and explore everything that catches their interest.

  • Individual needs in our wildschooling Montessori inspired environment means finding our way into the child’s world, rather than requiring them to find their way into ours.

  • Every child has an individualized education plan completely custom to their age, abilities, personality and learning preferences.  Learners are never left to struggle or fall behind, they are embraced and accepted for their individuality.  Their education is tailored to their needs rather than standardized expectations. 

  • Our unique, Montessori inspired wildschooling environment provides inclusion, nurturing and support for typical learners, remedial and LSEN learners, bridging the barriers to learning. 

We promote active rather than passive learning

Off to School

Self Paced Learning

We specialize in one-on-one education, giving children and their families the holistic support they need.

We approach learning carefully, seeking to understand each person’s uniqueness and guide their individually and at their own pace, through the range of learning skills so that they realize their potential.

  • Our unique, Montessori inspired wildschooling environment provides inclusion, nurturing and support for typical learners, remedial and LSEN learners, bridging the barriers to learning. 

  • Every child has an individualized education plan completely custom to their age, abilities, personality and learning preferences.   learners are never left to struggle or fall behind, they are embraced and accepted for their individuality.   Their education is tailored to their needs rather than standardized expectations. 

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Kid Playing with Bubble

Therapies offered

Occupational Therapy is available on site as an external service billed separately.

Speech Therapy is available on site as an external service billed separately.

Integrated learning therapy:

offered to students as part of our curriculum


 ILT activities are specialized movements which improve:

  •  Developmental disorders of learning and behaviour

  •  Learning Readiness

  •  Assist with neurological development

  •  Assist with sensory integration

  •  Visual perception

  •  Auditory perception/processing

  •  Concentration

  •  Memory

  •  Posture and muscle tone

  •  Treats underlying weak systems in the body and Nervous System including:

Vestibular System - Interhemispheric Integration – Proprioception – Tactile System – Kinesthesia -Differentiation – Lateralisation

Craniosacral therapy is available on site billed seperately

Craniosacral therapy:​

Gentle light touch therapy that assists to bring about overall balance

  •  Trauma release

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Learning disabilities


  • Nervous system disorders

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Sleep problems

Additional services available at a fee include:

  •  Integrated learning therapy assessment and therapy program

  • Craniosacral therapy

  • Brain balancing

  • Coaching

  • Baby massage

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Toddler Reading

Guiding growth & development

This program accepts students with a wide variety of needs. Our team members are skilled and loving, and the special atmosphere at the school helps students achieve their potential every day.

Directress / Guide:

  •  The role of the teacher in our environment differs to mainstream, the teacher is known as a Directress or Guide, she guides, directs and observes the child and one of her main functions is to prepare the environment for the child.

  •  Our guides are qualified to offer Montessori methodology, remedial support and various therapies.

  • Through specialized observation, offer children developmentally appropriate activities.

  • Assist the children to learn the basic ground rules:

  • Respect for others:   teach the child that he may not hurt another child OR disturb another child’s work.  Treat others with courtesy.

  • Respect for self:  you may not do things which may endanger your safety.

  • Respect for equipment:  knowledge proceeds choice, you may only work with it if a directress has shown you how.  You must use the equipment with care and return it to its place ready for someone else to use.

  • The Montessori Directress has four primary goals:

• to awaken our children’s spirit and imagination,

• to encourage their normal desire for independence and high sense of self-esteem,

• to help them develop the kindness and self-discipline that will allow them to become  full members of society, and

• to help them learn how to observe, question, and explore ideas independently.

  • The Montessori Directress is a coach, mentor, and friend.

  • The objective is to intrigue the children so that they will come back on their own to work with the materials. Lessons focus on clear and simple information that is necessary for the children to be able to do the work on their own: the name of the material, its place on the shelf, the ground rules for its use, and some of the possibilities inherent within it.

  • Closely monitor their children’s progress, keeping the level of challenge high.

Contact our team to learn more.

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